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Hear it from one of our clients ⤵️

Before working with us, this was his perspective on social media content... (which is typical for most people)

❌ Hard to grow

❌ Not worth the time

❌ Can't get a return on investment

But listen to what happened, and how they ended up using social media to their advantage!

Did you know...

  • Posting consistently can increase the number of people reached up to 10x in as little as 2 weeks.

  • Customers are 100% more likely to buy from a business that is adequately portraited online.

  • 50% of adult users on the internet rely on social media in their research and decision-making process.

  • Customers spend 5 to 10 times more with businesses that have a thriving social media presence.

  • There are more than 20 million visits daily on business profiles on social media.

  • 67% of people want more businesses to display their work & company culture online.

Our Simple 4 Step Strategy For Success!

This is the process we follow through with our clients

1st | Audit

Everything starts with clear communication. First we'll learn more about your company, your product or service so we can know how to best assist you. This is part of our initial call. We then analyze your social platforms and compare them to your competitors who excel in the online social space.

2nd | Strategize

Now that we've defined our ideal outcomes + we're clear on objectives, we will go over options at this point and decide on the best path forward. We will then create a curated content strategy that will attract new potential clients through your online platforms.

3rd | Create

Now that we are on the same page, it's time to make good on the plan. This is where we create, capture and over-deliver on our word. We have a vested interest in our success together! We schedule 1-3 productions days each month to film & edit the content outlined in your new curated strategy.

4th | Distribute

After fulfilling the creation process for the new content strategy, we can now deliver the content to all social platforms(TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, & Facebook) after approval.

Client Results

Check this out...almost 6000% increase in reached accounts in ONLY 30 DAYS.

They had tried to promote their brand online but was not reaching their target audience (until using this strategy!!)

Their business page has reached more people and gained more interested followers. Now they get messages from people interested in their business! All organically.

Do you have a business you are trying to promote?

Try a new strategy, create the content necessary AND push it out on your social channels. See what happens ;)

Ready to gain more consistent clients?

It's time to build your online presence.

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